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2021 Beijing International Forum for Metropolitan Clean Air and Climate Actions
Time: September 6-7, 2021
Venue: Lecture Hall/Room 301AB, China National Convention Center

Day 1 (Sep. 6, Monday) Plenary Session
Theme: Metropolitan Carbon Neutral Strategies and Air Quality Goal-Co-Benefits of Reducing Pollution and Carbon Emissions
(Venue: Lecture Hall, China National Convention Center)
09:00-09:30  VIP Meeting
(Loop playback of warm-up video “Beijing Blue Sky Actions and Progress”) 2. UN Resource for the 2nd International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies)
Part 1Opening Ceremony
Moderator: Mr. YU Jianhua, Deputy Director General of Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (BEE)

09:30-10:00 Welcome Remarks
- Mr. YANG Bin, Vice Mayor of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality
- Mr. SUN Zhen, Deputy Director General of the Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) (Video Display)
- Mr. TU Ruihe, Head of UN Environment China Office
10:00-10:05 Video Display (“Towards Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality-Beijing in Action”) -5 min
Part 2 - Keynote Speeches
Moderator: Mr. YU Jianhua, Deputy Director General of Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (BEE)
10:05-10:20 (New Delhi time 07:30-07:45) Fast Action for Quick Results and Multiple Benefits-Integrated air and climate actions - an insurance against runaway climate change and air pollution (Video Connection)
Mr. Valentin Foltescu, Senior Programme Management Officer, Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Secretariat, UNEP
10:20-10:35 China’s National Plan for Comprehensive Improvement of Air Quality in the 14th Five-Year Period (2021-2025)
Mr. ZHANG Dawei, Deputy Director General, Air Quality Department, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE)
10:35-10:50 Co-Benefits of Reducing Pollution and Carbon Emissions: New Pathway for Building a Beautiful Beijing under the Goal of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality
Mr. HE Kebin, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering/Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
10:50-11:05 Observation of Local Progress towards Achieving National Carbon Peak Targets
Mr. ZOU Ji, CEO &President of Energy Foundation China
11:05-11:15 Tea Break
Part 3 – Plenary Presentations (I)
Moderator: Ms. CHEN Weimin, Chief Engineer, Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (BEE)
11:15-11:30 Achievements of Air Pollution Control in Beijing and Pathways for Further Improvement in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period (2021-2025)
Ms. Li Xiang, Chief of Air Quality Division of BEE
11:30-11:40 Air Quality and Health Benefits of Climate Action: Moving towards integrated planning (Video Display)
Mr. Iyad Kheirbek, Programme Director, Air Quality in Climate Solutions and Networks
11:40-12:00 (California time 20:40-21:00 of Sep. 5) Carbon Neutral Strategy and Air Quality Goal of California (topic tbd) (Video Connection)
Mr. Hal Harvey, founder and ex-CEO of the Energy Foundation/ CEO of Energy Innovation/ winner of the United Nation’s Clean Air and Climate Change Award in 2018
12:00-12:20 Latest Results of Ambient PM2.5 Source Apportionment in Beijing
Mr. LIU Baoxian, Director Geneal of Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environmental Monitoring Center
12:20-12:30 Q&A and Discussion
Noon 12:15-14:00 Lunch (Play of climate related movie)
Part 4 – Plenary Presentations (II)
Moderator: Ms. CHEN Weimin, Chief Engineer, Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (BEE)
14:00-14:20 (Seoul time 15:00-15:20) 2050 Carbon Neutrality and GHG Reduction Plan of Seoul (Video Connection)
Mr. Jung Soonkyu, Climate & Energy Strategy Team Leader, Environmental Policy Division, Climate & Environment Headquarters, Seoul Metropolitan Government
14:20-14:40 Progress and Outlook of Beijing’s Actions towards Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality
Ms. MING Dengli, Chief of Climate Change Division of BEE
14:40-15:00 Clean Air and Climate Action Plan of Shanghai in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period (2021-2025) (Video Connection)
Mr. ZHOU Jun, Chief of Air Quality and Climate Change Division, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment
Tea Break (Available between 14:30-15:30)
Part 5 – Plenary Presentations (III)
Moderator: Mr. Zhu Shu, Head of ICLEI East Asia (South Korea) Beijing Representative Office
15:00-15:20 (Helsinki time 10:00-10:20) Helsinki 2035 Carbon Neutral Strategy (Video Connection)
Ms. Kaisa-Reeta Koskinen, head of unit, Urban Environment Division, City of Helsinki
15:20-15:40 (Paris time 09:20-09:40) Metropolitan Carbon Neutral Strategies and Air Quality Goals-Co-benefits of Reducing Pollution and Carbon Emissions in Paris Region (Video Connection)
Mr. Pierre PERNOT, Director for Partnerships, Communications & Digital of Airparif
15:40-16:00 (Milan time 09:40-10:00) Carbon Neutral Strategy and Air Quality Goal of Lombardia Region (Video Connection)
Mr. Gian Luca Gurrieri, Head of climate and air quality Unit, Regione Lombardia of Italy
16:00-16:20 (London time 09:00-09:20) “Zero Carbon London Strategy and Coordinated Air Quality Improvement Plan (Video Connection)
Mr. Peter Daw, Assistant Director for Environment & Energy, and Head of Climate Change, Greater London Authority
16:20-16:40 Q&A and Discussion
-Ms. MING Dengli, Chief of Climate Change Division of BEE
-Mr. ZHOU Jun, Chief of Air Quality and Climate Change Division, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment (Video Connection)
-Ms. Kaisa-Reeta Koskinen, head of unit, Urban Environment Division, City of Helsinki
- Mr. Pierre PERNOT, Director for Partnerships, Communications & Digital of Airparif
-Mr. Gian Luca Gurrieri, Head of climate and air quality Unit, Regione Lombardia of Italy
-Mr. Peter Daw, Assistant Director for Environment & Energy, and Head of Climate Change, Greater London Authority
Suggested topics:
(1) (To Paris, Lombardia, London, Helsinki) As cities that have already made a carbon neutral plan, which part of the plan are you most proud of, and what is the biggest challenge for its implementation? Do you have any advice for cities that are in the making or thinking about making their own carbon neutral plans?
(2) (To Beijing, Shanghai) As China’s capital and economic center, how does Beijing and Shanghai plan to integrate air quality goals with climate actions in the way towards carbon peaking and carbon neutrality?
(3) (Random discussion) In terms of coordinated governance, which sectors do you think are the priority?
Part 6  Closing Remarks
Ms. CHEN Weimin, Chief Engineer, BEE

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