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  Jeremy Avise

  Mr. Jeremy Avise, Chief of Modeling and Meteorology Section, California Air Resources Board

  Dr. JeremyC.Avise is Manager of Regional Air Quality Modeling Section of California Air Resources Board since 2013 and his responsibility covers managing a group of nine scientists with a focus on the following topics: Regulatory air quality modeling (SIP model attainment demonstration and regulatory support), Chemical Mechanism Development (SAPRC), PM2.5 formation in California, NOx/VOC sensitivity of ozone production in California, Wildfire impacts on air quality, Background ozone, Long-range transport of pollutants, Statistical Oxidation Model (SOM) application in CMAQ, Climate change impacts on air quality (WRF/CMAQ, coupled WRF-CMAQ), Modeling support for field studies (Discover-AQ, CalNex, ARCTAS), WRF model evaluation and improvements (LULC, soil moisture, NEXRAD data), Application of model probing tools in CMAQ (DDM, process analysis, etc), Emissions inventory development for natural sources (biogenic, wildfire, lightning) .  

  At the same time, he is also an Adjunct Professor in Washington State University, Laboratory for Atmospheric Research since year 2013 and where his work mainly covers: Global change impacts on regional air quality, Regional photochemical modeling, Secondary organic aerosol modeling, Long-range transport of pollutants.

  He used to be an English Teacher in Shanghai University in China during 2001-2002.

  Topic:Monitoring, Ozone in Los Angeles: Trends, COVID-19, and Control Strategy Implications (Video Connection)


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